
Meeting with Joint Secretariat Struga

On March 21, 2023, In the context of the scheduled action plan for monitoring and control of the grant agreements signed within the IPA components, the JTS of the North Macedonia-Albania Cross-Border Cooperation Program, the EU Delegation entrusted them to carry out a second round monitoring visit for the activities. implemented within the project “Development and implementation of a smart and sustainable integrated forest fire management system in the cross-border area DISSIWMS”, IPA/2021/429-391.

The monitoring meeting was in review of the current developments in relation to the initial work plan of the project, the overall progress of the project.

The meeting was attended by key personnel responsible for the implementation of the project, such as the project manager, the finance officer and the communication officer

Representatives of the Operational Structures and the Delegation of the EU in North Macedonia have also been invited to the meeting.

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